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since you seem to know Writer well, it should be possible to meet your requirements. Basically, however, for a short newsletter (1-2 pages) Draw would be the better choice. But everyone as he can and likes.
You don't have to worry about flying insects. The problem you described, have many users and hopefully they have read along.
I wish you much success!

Am 15.06.2023 um 18:38 schrieb Joe Conner:
Thank you for educating me further. Here is why I use "To page" anchoring. I make a newsletter to send out at the end of the calendar year depicting what I have done through the year including photos. Only family and friends would be interested.

While other software tools would perhaps be better suited to this task, I am familiar enough with Writer to make it work. I format it in two columns, and it usually runs one page printed on both front and back. My issue is when I go back later to make edits, and unless an image is anchored to the page it will wander around sometimes being forced to jump to the back when I want it to remain on the front.

I hope this explains my reasons for using "To page" as an anchor. It is a bit like using my pliers as a hammer instead of choosing the proper tool for the job.

I did not mean to kick a hornets nest and stir up a storm of flying insects.

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