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Hi T. R.,

Understandable. What I would really like is an option to make
anchor-to-page the **default** in LO Writer.

Please read

I would never use this kind of anchor. I often work with master documents. If there is any image anchored to page it won't appear on the right position in the document. Moste images will disappear completely.

Go on sidebar → Styles → Graphics.
Modify Frame Style: Graphics → Type → Anchor → To Page

Now all images in this document you will insert new will be anchored to page. Haven't tested if this will be saved when setting this document to default template.

Go to Tools → Customize
Chose tab Context Menus
Chose Target → Image
Search for "anchor"
Klick on "Anchor to Page" in the list of "Available Command".
Press arrow to the right.
Position the new entry "To Page".

It will appear now in the context menue, but directly, not in the submenu for anchoring.



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