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I had LO downloaded from LO (not the Ubuntu repositories) and installed
on my Xubuntu 22.04 laptop. Today I decided to do a system update, using
the Update Manager utility. When the Update Manager finished sniffing
the internet and my computer it came up with over 250 packages that
needed to be updated. I scanned through the list and saw a lot of LO
packages, so I painstakingly went through the entire list and
deselected all the LO packages. If I had not done so, I reasoned, the
updates would overwrite my installed non-Ubuntu version. When I
finished I clicked the button to start the update.

As I watched the progress, imagine my horror as LO packages displayed as
being installed. WTH? I don't know how this happened, but I figured the
thing to do was let the update finish, reboot, and then open Synaptic
package manager, select all the LO packages and mark them to be
deleted, then click on Synaptic's Apply button to finish the task. My
plan was to get rid of god only knows what mess was installed after the
update, then download the current latest from LO and install it.

Sadly, this failed. Synaptic said it couldn't delete the packages
because I had 'broken' packages that needed to be fixed. Guess which
packages were broken? Yup, you guessed it - every one of the LO
packages that I was trying to uninstall.

Just for kicks and giggles, before further attempts to resolve the
problems, I decided to see what would happen if I tried to launch
Writer, the only package I really use. Amazingly a Writer window
opened, ready to start writing. The only problem was that my floating
toolbar for formatting was missing, but that is easily fixed.

I had (that's what it says in Writer's Help - About). If I
download and install 7.4.7 or 7.5.4, will it overwrite all the messed
up packages?

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