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On Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:57:29 -0700
John Jason Jordan <> dijo:

Just for kicks and giggles, before further attempts to resolve the
problems, I decided to see what would happen if I tried to launch
Writer, the only package I really use. Amazingly a Writer window
opened, ready to start writing. The only problem was that my floating
toolbar for formatting was missing, but that is easily fixed.

Not so easily fixed. I got the Formatting toolbar open, but it is stuck
at the top of the LO Writer window and I cannot move it. I can roll it
up, but I cannot resize its little window. Some of the buttons in it
work, but not all of them. There is a large black X in the upper right
corner of its window, but clicking on it does nothing. From the top
menu I can go to View > Toolbars and close it or open it, but I still
cannot move its window. I can, however, dock it at the top, left, or
right of the  document window.

After much exasperation I finally decided to abandon it and create a
new toolbar, which I labeled Text Formatting. I put all the tools that
I wanted into it and then launched it. By default it docked itself at
the top of the window, so I grabbed it with the mouse and dragged it
down, where it made itself into a line the looked just as it had looked
when it was docked t the top of the window. I tried to grab the corners
to resize it, but I couldn't grab anything. I also can't move it
around, again, because there is nothing to grab onto. But I want my
toolbars off of the document window so they don't cover up what I'm
writing, and that turned out to be impossible. My new toolbar has to
stay within the Writer document window; When it is docked I can drag it
off where it is docked and continue to drag it, but as soon as I let go
of the mouse button, that's where it's going to stay. Continuing to
drag it off the window causes it to dock itself on the side of the
document window that I am trying to cross.

I had (that's what it says in Writer's Help - About). If I
download and install 7.4.7 or 7.5.4, will it overwrite all the messed
up packages?

For some reason the packages repaired themselves, because suddenly I
have a system with no broken packages. But I still want to install
7.4.7, and I can't find a peep of documentation about what will happen
if it's installed over

I did find documentation about doing Tools > Update to let LO install
the latest on top of itself, but I don't have that option in

I'm also missing change logs - what changed between and 7.4.7?
Again, whoever worked on the documentation did a good job of hiding it.

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