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2013/2/2 Dan Lewis <>:
      If you look at my address above, you will see that I use Gmail. My
email client is Thunderbird which has choices as to how to reply: Reply to
List (possibly because the mail headers contain a "reply to"), Reply or
Reply to all (when there does not seem to be a "reply to" in the mail
headers). It uses IMAP and POP. (I have recently learned how to use the
     The point is: there are email clients other than Thunderbird that give
you the ability to reply to a list.


I don't use an email client at all, I use the web interface. I have
tried different clients, but none of them work as I want them to. The
best so far was when using the email client that is built into my web
browser (Opera), but nothing I tried fulfilled my needs. I don't want
to download any emails at all, I have way more important things to
fill it with. So I tried that IMAP thing, but it was just too slow no
matter what email client I tried. The web interface sucks too, but not
as much as those email clients.

I have three email addresses, this one is for email lists only and I
never delete anything (except spam), so there are quite a few GB to
search among for those poor email clients – that's probably why they
are so slow…
So all alternatives suck big time, but the web interface not as much
as the others. At the moment, at least…

Johnny Rosenberg

On 02/02/2013 12:12 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

2013/2/2 John Meyer<>:

BTW, this is off topic, but is there any way to configure GMail so when I
hit reply I reply to the list and not to the person?

The new behaviour of this list sucks badly for us gmail users. In most
cases I accidently relies to the person rather than to the list, sorry
for that.
The answer seems to be to click Reply to all, remove the single
person's address and then move the list address from CC: to TO: (just
click and drag it).

As I said, I forget that all the time…

Johnny Rosenberg

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:57 AM, John Meyer<>

I'll try it out.  Personally I don't know why I'm a neat freak in terms
not wanting blanks, but that's just me.

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Brian

At 08:31 02/02/2013 -0700, John Meyer wrote:

I have two columns.  Column A displays the logon names being used and
Column B contains all possible logons (technically it's on another
but I'll simplify).  What I want to appear on column C is a list of
logons that are not being used.

Here's an addition to my previous attempt.  In column D, you could put
=C$1, =C$2, =C$3, and so on.  (It's no good trying to fill these down
column, as you will get either =C1, =C2, etc. or =C$1 all the way.  I
see any way to fill what you actually need other than manually - and

Now you can sort column D each time you want to consolidate your list.
  Note that the formulae in column D will themselves be sorted (so that
is no longer necessarily in D1 and so on), but this will not upset the
scheme and does not need to be reset before your next update.  All that
necessary is that you have an exactly complete set of the formulae in
range of column D - in whatever order.

Is that any better?

Brian Barker

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