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At 08:31 02/02/2013 -0700, John Meyer wrote:
I have two columns. Column A displays the logon names being used and Column B contains all possible logons (technically it's on another sheet, but I'll simplify). What I want to appear on column C is a list of all logons that are not being used.

Here's an addition to my previous attempt. In column D, you could put =C$1, =C$2, =C$3, and so on. (It's no good trying to fill these down the column, as you will get either =C1, =C2, etc. or =C$1 all the way. I don't see any way to fill what you actually need other than manually - and unreliably!)

Now you can sort column D each time you want to consolidate your list. Note that the formulae in column D will themselves be sorted (so that =C$1 is no longer necessarily in D1 and so on), but this will not upset the scheme and does not need to be reset before your next update. All that is necessary is that you have an exactly complete set of the formulae in the range of column D - in whatever order.

Is that any better?

Brian Barker

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