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Hi Brian,

Thank you for your explanation.

" I'm guessing you mean as a background? When you do this, there should
be a Link option, and this may become ticked by default. In that
case, the image is not embedded in the document file, but is required
to be available for inclusion when the document is reopened. In
particular, this will not work properly if you send the document to a
correspondent without separately sending the image. If you remove the
tick from Link before pressing OK, the image should be embedded - as you need. "

I am unable to find this "link" option which you have mentioned, while saving my document as a 
".docx" format. The background image is not getting embedded when I save the document, hence the 
background image does not display when I reopen the document.

" I'm unsure how this could work: it seems a contradiction to me. If
the background was blue and the image was red (at some point), what
colour would you hope for? Blue? Red? Purple? "

A few of the background images are white in colour, which makes a very harsh contrast with black 
fonts. These images would look a lot more pleasing & soothing to the eyes with a yellow or pale 
orange background for example (of course this opinion is subjective). Hence if you could allow the 
background colour to be embedded on the document along with the background image, it would allow 
the user to customise the document as per his preference. If this causes the document to change to 
a wierd colour (like you have mentioned), the user can easily undo the changes & revert back to a 
background colour which is preferable.

I hope I have been able to explain myself properly in this email, & I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

From: Brian Barker <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 9:57:13 pm
To: Dyutimoy Dutta <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office bugs (Windows 10 pro PC)

At 16:41 26/03/2024 +0000, you wrote:
This email is with regards to some bugs which I encounter while
using Libre Office.

You are right to have written to the Users list in the first
instance, as you can receive comments from fellow users, who may be
able to suggest solutions to your problems or to add support to your

Please keep me updated on the resolution of the bugs which I have
mentioned in my email.

But if you wish to report bugs or request enhancements, you will need
to do so at the web site. See and . You will see any progress there.

2> While editing a Writer Document with "high contrast" mode turned
off, if I add an "Image" (under "Page Style") & save the document as
".docx", ...

Whatever application you choose, it is sensible to save your
documents in that application's native formats. For LibreOffice text
documents, this would be .odt, of course.

... the "Image" which I added does not get saved.

I'm guessing you mean as a background? When you do this, there should
be a Link option, and this may become ticked by default. In that
case, the image is not embedded in the document file, but is required
to be available for inclusion when the document is reopened. In
particular, this will not work properly if you send the document to a
correspondent without separately sending the image. If you remove the
tick from Link before pressing OK, the image should be embedded - as you need.

I do not face this issue when I save the document as a ".PDF" file extension.

That is because you do not really "save" your document in this
format, but instead export a copy, probably for transmission to
others. In this case, it makes sense for such images to be
automatically embedded.

Also, while editing a Writer Document with "high contrast" mode
turned off, adding an "Image" background together with a "Color"
background (under "Page Style"), does not appear to work for Writer
Documents. I am able to use either "Image" or "color", but not both
together for the same document. Kindly allow this combined
formatting for a more customised & presentable document.

I'm unsure how this could work: it seems a contradiction to me. If
the background was blue and the image was red (at some point), what
colour would you hope for? Blue? Red? Purple?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker - privately

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