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Trust you are doing well.
This email is with regards to some bugs which I encounter while using Libre Office.

I am currently running Libre Office (version 24.2.1) on my Windows 10 Pro (version 22H2) PC, & I am 
facing the following issues:

1> If I turn on "high contrast" mode on my PC, the background of my Writer Document ".docx" page 
turns black (which is appropriate). However, if I try to highlight any text on the page (using the 
mouse) for editing, the highlighted background does not show up against the black background. I do 
not face this issue once I turn off "high contrast". Could you kindly resolve this issue so that 
users who are visually impaired like myself, could use your program appropriately using the "high 
contrast" mode on Windows PC's.

Also, if I try to add a "Gradient" (under "Page Style") while "high contrast" is turned on, the 
"Gradient" options are all displayed in pitch black instead of displaying the proper gradient 
colors. Once again, I do not face this issue once I turn off "high contrast".

2> While editing a Writer Document with "high contrast" mode turned off, if I add an "Image" (under 
"Page Style") & save the document as ".docx", the "Image" which I added does not get saved. I do 
not face this issue when I save the document as a ".PDF" file extension.

Also, while editing a Writer Document with "high contrast" mode turned off, adding an "Image" 
background together with a "Color" background (under "Page Style"), does not appear to work for 
Writer Documents. I am able to use either "Image" or "color", but not both together for the same 
document. Kindly allow this combined formatting for a more customised & presentable document.

Please keep me updated on the resolution of the bugs which I have mentioned in my email.
Eagerly looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

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