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LO is not exactly "run by volunteers" - it's more complicated than that.
Officially, it's run by a foundation - The Document Foundation. The
foundation has some salaried staff (most of whom don't do development,
but other kinds of work for running the project); and elected officials
in different bodies, who are not the same as plain volunteers - they
have responsibilities (which, again, are not writing code themselves).
These bodies include the Engineering Steering Council, the Board of
Directors etc. And - most contributing developers are actually paid
employees of commercial companies in LibreOffice' "ecosystem", like
Collabora and Allotropia.

What are your options, then? Here are some (perhaps not all):

1. You or any group of people can in principle just pay someone and have
that person submit a patch to fix the bug. It will be reviewed by more
"central" developers and, after it is deemed appropriate - would be
committed. This option is of course quite difficult. If you somehow
choose this path - make sure you say so on the bug page and/or on some
public list like this one, to prevent the case of someone else working
on this in parallel or doing conflicting work elsewhere in Impress.

2. You or any group can potentially contract one of the commercial
companies which do LibreOffice extension/modification/customization,
like the two I mentioned, to implement this.

3. The TDF allocates some part of its budget for tenders, issued
typically once a year, for fixing various bugs or adding features, based
on a process of proposals, review by the Engineering Steering Council,
discussions etc. You could make sure a proposal on this page:

... or actually, not really, because it's not been created yet. This is
the page for 2023:

... out of which a few items are being selected. The selection is
(almost?) finalized, not sure an absolutely final version has been made

You could comment on one of your bugs, or ask Gabor personally, about
how to do this. Note to other readers: Don't just submit your favorite
bug as a tender proposal, it has to make sense. A 11-year-old bug with
multiple duplicates might be appropriate for a tender.


PS - I've only recently joined the TDF, and hold no official capacity,
so take this answer accordingly.

On 11/06/2023 17:13, Thomas Cameron wrote:
Hey, all -

I finally got a response on my bug report. Seems like this bug has been
known for 11 years.

Now, I get that LO is run by volunteers. I am not upset. But I would
definitely love to get this fixed. I see a BUNCH of folks on the bug
report who are affected. So my question is, other than subscribing to
the developer's list, does anyone know of any bug bounty program, or
even professional developers for hire I could pay to fix this bug? I
have received a TON of value from LibreOffice, and I am willing to pay
someone to fix this. It's the right thing to do.

So how would I go about finding a developer and funding their work to
fix this bug?


On 5/16/23 22:13, Thomas Cameron wrote:
All -

I use Impress at work because I'm a Linux user in a sea of Windows and
Mac folks. My company distributes Power Point .pptx files. When I open
them in Impress, there are a number of glitches, but the worst is that
the speaker notes get mangled.

I posted some sanitized pix to - the first
is what I see when I view notes in Impress. The second is what I
actually see on the notes page when I'm presenting.

In Notes view, I see a paragraph break and bullet points. In the
presentation notes, I don't see a paragraph break, and no bullets.
I've taken to editing every slide deck and I have to add a space on
every newline for every paragraph break. I remove bullets and
substitute a dash or double dash so I can follow bullets. It's really
frustrating and time consuming. Every time my employer posts an update
to slides, I have to edit 12-15 units and insert spaces for every
newline, delete bullets, and add dashes. Any sort of special
formatting like automatic numbering or bullet points just don't show
up while presenting.

Does anyone know a workaround? In the meanwhile, I submitted

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