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I use Impress at work because I'm a Linux user in a sea of Windows and Mac folks. My company distributes Power Point .pptx files. When I open them in Impress, there are a number of glitches, but the worst is that the speaker notes get mangled.

I posted some sanitized pix to - the first is what I see when I view notes in Impress. The second is what I actually see on the notes page when I'm presenting.

In Notes view, I see a paragraph break and bullet points. In the presentation notes, I don't see a paragraph break, and no bullets. I've taken to editing every slide deck and I have to add a space on every newline for every paragraph break. I remove bullets and substitute a dash or double dash so I can follow bullets. It's really frustrating and time consuming. Every time my employer posts an update to slides, I have to edit 12-15 units and insert spaces for every newline, delete bullets, and add dashes. Any sort of special formatting like automatic numbering or bullet points just don't show up while presenting.

Does anyone know a workaround? In the meanwhile, I submitted


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