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I would suggest "installing" the portable package, version 7.4.3.

You close LibreOffice, download the aforementioned portable package to
some folder and "install" it in some easy directory/folder. Please
note that the "install" directory must be different than the folder
where you downloaded the installation executable.

Then you navigate to the location of the "LibreOfficePortable.exe"
file and execute it. Test it and compare the behavior with your
current fully-installed LO Beware: you should rather avoid
running them both simultaneously (i.e. close one before executing the
other; avoid using any of them as the default program to open your
office files).

If the portable version works better, then keep it until a newer
version gets out (and get rid of the other one). If it doesn't help,
you just delete the folder where you installed the portable version.

In either case, please report your experience, so we can all benefit from it.

Good luck!

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