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On 12/07/2016 01:16 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 12/7/2016 10:51 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<> wrote:
If you find Virualbox works well for you, then fine.  Others may have
good reasons to not use it.
The only good reasons I can think of not to use it would be an extremely
underpowered/resourced system, or you're an extreme gamer...

Same with people using the various Linux distros and different
desktop environments.
Virtualbox runs under linux, and I'd be surprised if the vast majority
of linux users' distro didn't have it available in their standard
package repo.

I do not run a Virtualbox type of system on any system since the early
2000's.  I do not want to have any speed reductions for my systems.
Hasn't been a problem in a long time - unless, like I said, you're an
extreme gamer or something like that.

With Windows, I have put so much security software on my Windows systems
and Windows partitions on the dual boot systems.  That take a lot of
processor power to keep my Windows systems free of any "nasties" that
are out there to infect and/or destroy my systems.
Good quality security software should not have a significant impact on
system performance - if it does, you're using the wrong software.

I am the guy people come to when they do not keep their systems safe
from infections and need to have them cleaned up so they can us them
again.  Many times I need to remove their drive[s] and run them on my
systems as an external drives, since their systems are too infected to
reinstall and run the cleaning security packages.
Why go to all that trouble? Just use a bootable CD or USB stick (like
I've been using for years).

First, I never have the money to by the "powerful" laptops or desktop since 2009. What I do buy, when I buy new, tends to have Windows already installed. Over the years, I have bought systems with XP, Vista, and Win7 installed. I still have them all, but the XP now has Linux and for the Vista I bought the Win7 upgrade disk. Later the Win7 systems went to Win10.

Second, I am not a gamer and have no need for, plus not have the money for, the really powerful systems.

Third, I have a lot of security packages loaded. I have Comodo Internet Suite [anti virus and firewall, etc.] I have several different types of malware and other types of software that detects and fixes the types of "nasties" that try to install and infect Windows systems. I have never had any infections, etc., on my Window systems since 2004 or '05.

Forth, To be honest, using a Live CD/DVD to boot up the infected Windows systems, I have found that I do not have the extensive list of cleaning packages under Linux as I do with Windows. My first line of defense is Comodo [Windows or Linux] and then I clean/scrub the system with the other detection/cleaning packages I have. I do find that using a USB drive adapter to plug the infected systems to my Windows cleaner systems, with the full protections running, can clean an infected drive very well. Since the USB drive is not running as anything but a "data drive", I can clean more things this way and faster than any other way - so far.

I do what is easiest for me, that works best for me as well. Also, as cheaply as possible for my decreasing budget for tech "stuff".

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