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It came out in August, IIRC.  I didn't have any problem with it here.

On 12/01/2016 11:44 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
Thanks for the heads up. I'm running Win10 and Ubuntu 14.04. I don't 
believe I've yet been offered the Anniversary Upgrade, but when I am, I 
will proceed very cautiously (or not at all).


On 12/01/2016 09:17 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
This is not about LO but about MS crashing both the Windows file 
system and GRUB.

If you have not run the Windows 10 Anniversary upgrade, you might want 
to consider it as a new OS install that crashes GRUB and messes with 
the Windows partition where it need major repair.

Yesterday, I upgraded my older DELL laptop that runs both Windows 10 
and Ubuntu 16.04.

Win10 gave me a icon for the Anniversary Upgrade Assistant.  IT took 
hours for the download and verify it.  During the install, at about 
30% complete, the install required a reboot.  GRUB errors was all I 
got.  I had to use a boot repair disk twice to get the laptop to be 
able to boot at all.  When I was able to boot to Windows, it took 
about 20 minutes for Windows to auto-fix the file system. Then it took 
6 more hours to finish the install.  It took less time to install the 
Win7 to Win10 upgrade, than it took the Anniversary upgrade.

Yes, MS messes with the GRUB system when it gets install alongside of 
Ubuntu, but it never caused so much trouble as it did yesterday 
afternoon to late evening.  6+ hours to install the upgrade and fix 
the laptop so it would boot again, was not expected.

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