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Hi all,

I've read this quite a few times in the Internet and it bothers myself for around 3 to 4 years now, since I decided to move from LATEX to LibreOffice:

Formulas get randomly erased.

There are two scenarios:

1. Create formula, exit it, formula is displayed, everything seems ok. But wait, I forgot something, so let's reedit it. Double click and - the formula editor shows an empty pane. Nothing there. Press Escape, which hopefully cancels. Man, no chance, the formula is gone.

2. Edit a document with formulas. Come back later and some formula are shown as empty boxes. Double click on the empty box, empty formula editor. This happens randomly to random spots in the document, no matter were in the dox you are currently working

As for (2): Now guess what if you have a doc containng around 500 pages filled with formulas! Of course I use sections, where sub dox are pulled in. But this is annoying to say the least!

Any ideas how I can help the devels to find the related bug?


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