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Hi Eustace,

Eustace schrieb am 10.04.2024 um 11:51:
I would like to change the user profile from the AppData folder to the folder C:\\My Stuff\LibreOffice, where I moved the profile from another computer. How do I do this?

I know two ways to tell LibreOffice were the user profile is located: (1) Editing the file bootstrap.ini
(2) Call LibreOffice with a parameter
There might exist further ways.

The file bootstrap.ini is located in the programs folder in \LibreOffice\program. You can edited it with a simple editor. The file has a line like
In your case the entry needs to be

The %20 is for the space. BTW, you should not use folder names with spaces. If you need a distance for better readability, it is better to use an underscore instead of a space.

There exists some more $ variables. For example if you do not install LibreOffice in the programs folder but for example in the folder LibreOfficeTest, than with the setting
the user profile is created into the same folder as the program itself.

You do never start LibreOffice with double-click on a document or Open from context menu. In that case you can create a shortcut for LibreOffice e.g. on the Desktop. Such shortcut can contain the parameter -env:UserInstallation.

To create a shortcut on the Desktop find the file soffice.exe in the programs folder in \LibreOffic\program. Right-click the file. The context menu has the item "Send to" and therein "Desktop (create shortcut)". On Windows 11 you need to extend the context menu with "Show more options". Or you create the shortcut from "Create shortcut" and move it later to the target place.

When the shortcut is created, right-click it and use item 'Properties'. You will find a line "Target". It might have an entry like
"C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe"
After that text you add

The workflow is then to first start LibreOffice from this shortcut and then from inside LibreOffice open the documents.

The method (2) allows to use one LibreOffice installation with different user profiles, for example one with default English UI and one with customized toolbars or a different UI language.

Do not forget to make backups before you test any of these methods!

Kind regards,

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