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The following presumes you use Windows.

This is a test to attempt to isolate the problem...
* Use a thumb drive (USB drive) ,
* create and save a file to the thumb drive (use Write, Calc, or whichever
program you use most)
* close the program used to create the file
* eject the thumb drive
    * right click the drive and pick the "Eject" option
    * wait for the safe to remove message (this must be done to prevent
file corruption)
    * remove the drive
* open the program again
* insert the thumb drive
* open the file and test if you can edit and save or not

If it is possible to edit and save the file on the thumb drive then the
problem is most likely the security settings for the location the files are
being saved to on the computer.

BUT even if files on the thumb drive can be edited and saved with
LibreOffice while those on the computer cannot be, there is still another
bit of info that's needed. Using other programs is it possible to
create/edit/save files to the same place on the computer as the LibreOffice

If other files also can not be created/edited/saved to the same place with
other programs (the same problem as with LibreOffice) then the culprit is
nearly certainly the computer's security settings for that location.

If only the LibreOffice files can not be created/edited/saved then more
investigation into the files and LibreOffice installation will be needed.

If you try the above, please provide an update so we know if it is only
LibreOffice doing this (so likely an LO problem to work out) or other
programs do it too (so likely a computer security problem).

Knowing the above will help with troubleshooting and resolving the problem.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM Emily Scharf <>

I have used Libreoffice for years. But recently I downloaded it and -
mistakenly - responded to an option for greater security.  This turns out
to be 'administrator' which continually blocks me from anything but
read-only documents.

How do I turn off the 'administrator'?  I even tried to uninstall and
download again and it is still happening with my documents..

If I cannot stop the 'administrator' I will be forced to use another
programme (though I have used LibreOffice for years)

Thank you for your help.

Emily from London

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