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Hello Andrei,

I would go the conditional formatting (CF) path:

1. you prepare two styles, one for each situation.
The "Wizard" style is set as protected, the "Custom" is not.

2. you create a CF and associate the target cell to each possible value to a given style above.

Then you protect the sheet. According to the source value, the target cell is protected or not.

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

Le 01/03/2024 à 12:10, Radocea Andrei a écrit :

Dear all,
I have the following problem to solve:
In a spreadsheet in one cell, the calculation table version is requested: "Wizard" or "Custom".
- If the version is "Wizard", then in another cell, the target cell, a preset value is displayed, without the 
possibility of modification.- If the version is "Custom", then a value desired by the user can be entered 
from the keyboard in the target cell.
Seemingly simple, but maybe not. Can I get some advice?

Thank you

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