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Okay, here's what I've "figured out so far." Based on some *very* limited
knowledge. Just from my point of view.

1) I'm going to (next time I try this) start by duplicating any style I
want to use and prefix it with my project name so I can keep them easier to
identify. (I don't have to go through the "did I modify that style" for my
project if I do that.)

2) My current mess was/is caused by not being clear on where the
"authority" of the styles resides. So, I'll keep a page template (an .odt
file) and *NEVER* modify the styles pages in the book. I have to modify the
master template then import it to my current document. Once I like it, then
import it into each separate part of the book. Each import using the
"overwrite" option.

3) The very first thing I'll duplicate is the default settings when I open
the blank page.

I will reiterate the desire, should it become an option, I want to "export"
a/some/all of the styles as a separate file, maybe a json, etc. where I can
then manage only the settings I care about.

Thanks for everyone's time and help!

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