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Which version of Writer are you using?  Your comment about having to search the internet to find font settings piqued my interest. I run Writer 5.1.6 on one system and 7.5.2 on another system. Both are Linux systems, but different distributions.  In Writer 7.5.2, I noticed the toolbar looks just like Writer 5.1.6 and the font settings are right there, where I presume you expect them to be, and not hidden at all.  I did notice in Writer 7.5.2, the "View" menu has a "User Interface" option and that contains various layouts.  I'm using the "Standard Toolbar" layout and the basic function icons are where they have always been.

Maybe your Writer installation is using a different layout?

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On 6/6/23 8:29 AM, Greg Lewis wrote:
I want to give you some feedback on Writer which I have previously used, without any issues for 
many years.
It was simple, straightforward, intuitive, logical and sane. Its no longer is any of these things.

It is bloated, counter intuitive, frustrating illogical and crap and whatever clown is responsible 
for the comparative debacle that it now is should be confined to the tea room.

Why on earth have you made it massively worse? Which detached from reality people think this is in 
any way an improvement?

PLEASE give us the option of the previous version as a Writer Lite. Having had to use the internet 
to find options like font and font size that SHOULD be on the main page is a ridiculous absurdity.

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