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At 00:45 19/05/2023 +1000, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
Have a spreadsheet that has internal link that is updated on loading. 6 of the columns have numbers with either 1 or 2 decimal places. But when it imports the cells change to display only the non-zero decimals. So numbers that have x.00 are displayed as x, and ones with x.y0 are displayed as x.y. Tried selecting column to format, but on next update it goes back to the general format. Could create a macro to redo formatting, seems there should be a method. Other columns have whole numbers so changing spreadsheet default would no be a solution.

I imagine that you have set up the linkage to a named range in the source spreadsheet, and it appears that doing it this way the formatting of the source data is carried over - which is not what you want.

Here are two thoughts:

1. There is an alternative way to arrange linkage: just enter "=" (no quotes) into a cell and then click on the relevant source cell in the other spreadsheet. This is just as you would do within the same spreadsheet, of course, and - unlike the other method - it creates a formula in the cell. It is easier than it sounds, as you can fill such formulae into other cells in the required range. This technique appears not to carry over the cell formatting, so it may achieve what you desire.

2. In any case, there is a workaround. Create your link in whatever way is convenient. Don't worry about the formatting of the values. In another column, make copies of the values using the "=" technique. Format this new column as you wish. If preferred, hide the original column.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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