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Den lör 6 maj 2023 kl 20:57 skrev charles meyer <>:

Hi All,

I have a PNG I wish to remove, delete or erase a vertical line which goes
down the entire page of a one page flyer.

I assume you just forgot to type a period right after ”PNG”. Otherwise I
don't understand the question. So:
How was that line made in the first place? Is it a part of the PNG?
If it's in the PNG itself, what do you want instead of that line? The
background that is no longer there? What does that background look like?
Are there many details or maybe just a single colour field or something?

Would you  please share the precise steps of how I can remove that line?

If it's in the PNG you need to overwrite it with something else. If it's
just a line made in LibreOffice Draw, then just click it and click delete.

Must I choose something like a Rectangle Tool and then draw a box around
the line to then erase it?

Well, drawing something above the line will hide the line, not erase it,
but if that's good enough, then yes, kind of.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Thank you.

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