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That explains my test spreadsheet and I fixed that in the test and it works.
My original doesn't work and is definitely a date.
I deleted mostly everything from the original and uploaded it (same file name).

On 2023-05-05 16:14, Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:41 05/05/2023 -0400, James Lockie wrote:
Does this work for you? The A1 cell contains a date with a date format (NN, MMM D, YYYY) that displays the weekday month day year. The B1 cell contains a reference to the A1 cell but has a date format (MMMM) that is only supposed to display the month. I uploaded a sample file ...

Although you have your cells formatted as you suggest, what you have in A1 is actually a text string and not a date. When this is referenced in B1, that also will contain the same text string. Since you have no dates, your formats are ignored.

In order for your typing (in A1) to be interpreted as a date, it needs to be something that LibreOffice will interpret as a date. In that case, the string you type will be converted to a date in the cell, and this will be displayed according to the cell format. It is not necessary to enter such a date in the format you wish to see; indeed, in this case, you must not, since that is not one of the formats that LibreOffice will recognise. Just re-enter the date in A1 in such a format (e.g. 1/3/24 in your locale) and everything will spring to life as you wish.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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