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Hi!  Thanks for the reply!  Your point is well taken and I'll definitely see if something like Wordpad could be of use to her. Interestingly, she has many MS Works files that Writer can open. So if she finds Wordpad is easier to grasp, I can convert those MS Works files into something Wordpad can open.

Thanks for the feedback and insight! :)



On 4/30/23 12:27 AM, wrote:
Hi Tom,

I know from my own experience with my father (it's been a few years) that it's difficult to train older people who haven't dealt with word processing before. My observation was that my father used the word processor like a typewriter.
A complex text program could be overwhelming here.
A simpler program (e.g. Wordpad, integrated in Windows) could be more effective.
Sorry for this answer. I would have loved to recommend LibreOffice.

Kind regards

Am 30.04.2023 um 04:41 schrieb Tom:
Hi! I'm helping an elderly woman start using LibreOffice Writer on a new laptop she purchased.  The laptop has Windows 11 and she's not interested in paying for MS Office.  She barely knows how to use a word processor, so I'm interested in finding some recent/current tutorials to help her learn the basics.  She's running version  I found a basic introductory video on YouTube, but it was posted back in 2018.  I found another tutorial, an "ultimate" tutorial, but it seemed focused on a task she wouldn't be doing so I think it would overwhelm her.

Does anyone know of any good, recent/current tutorials a complete newbie could use?

Thanks in advance!



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