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Den tors 27 okt. 2022 kl 11:59 skrev Thomas Blasejewicz <>:

Good evening
I just came across something I do not understand (and so far could not
find being mentioned in the manuals etc.).
Using Windows 10, LibreOffice

That version is about a year old, a lot happened since then.

I noticed in Calc that when I try to find something, in the find dialog
* Match case = greyed out = not working
* Formatted display = OK
* Entire cells = greyed out = not working
* All sheets = OK

Now, why would these functions be disabled? I tried to find something
under tools, but so far without luck.
And I am quite sure I was able to search the data with Match case checked.
I tried to reboot the computer. That did not change anything either.

Does the same happen with every file you open?
Have you tried to reset your user profile (the LibreOffice one, not your
Windows profile)? I don't know where it is located in Windows since I run
Linux, but the topic has been brought up a lot in this mailing list so you
should be able to find it here or elsewhere online.

1)    Is there a reason for this behavior?
2)    Is there a way to fix it?

If nothing else works, why not install a newer version, such as LibreOffice
I guess you should do that in any case, though. Maybe there were some
security fixes along the way, so that's probably a good idea.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Thank you

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