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Does not occur for me in
What text language shows at the bottom of the window frame. (mine is English(UK)
What decimal separator is shown in Tools>Options>Language settings

On 09/08/2022 12:18, Dave Liesse wrote:
Hi, all.  It's been a long time since I've run into a problem of any significance, so posting here 
before I look up how to report a bug (partly to see if this really is one).

In a Writer document, I have three Right tab stops set, to show staggered columns of numbers.  When 
I type a large number, though, with commas separating the thousands, the tab stop starts acting as 
a Decimal stop instead of Right.  For example, if I type 1,234,567 it acts as though the tab stop 
is a Decimal stop and the comma between the 4 and the 5 is a decimal point.  Might this be a bug?

As a secondary note: I don't think this one is a bug, but it's certainly unexpected behavior.  
Because I was in a hurry to get a report out to a client I tried the same numbers in a spreadsheet, 
again expecting the columns would be overlapping.  Numeric values, though, won't overflow the cell 
the way text does, even when the cell is specifically right-justified.  Again, I was in a hurry so 
I just entered all the numbers as text, but then had to do my own calculations to show totals (no 
biggie, since I would have had to do that anyway in the Writer document, but annoying in a 

The question is really about the first item -- the second one is just a minor gripe.  Do y'all 
think this is a bug, or is there some rational reason the program should behave this way?


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