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Good evening
Another probably stupid question.

As I said in my previous post, I am using 7.18 on a Windows 10 machine.
I upgraded to 7.18 a few days back from 7.12.

Since I am working on certain files both at home and in my little clinic, I tend to put those files on
cloud storage places like Dropbox and a few other services.

Since maybe 2 month now, LibreOffice crashes at least once DAILY; then asking me to send a crash report (which I always do).
I can be restarted normally, but often a portion of my work is lost.

Since I had trouble in the past using an online storage called "pCloud", I now use my local hard disk to save the files and
make copies to take them to the other place.

Still, this does not seem to change anything. LO still crashes at least once a day.
Other applications do not seem to be affected.

Is there something I may try to improve the situation?
Thank you.

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