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On 23/10/2019 16:50, Michael H wrote:
I'm on ubuntu, and see the full list of styles.

Down at the bottom of the styles list are view categories.. are you using 'view all'?

Where did the file with the issue originate?  Was it imported from another type of file (ms Excel, 
or word perfect?) Does your problem exist in a new spreadsheet also, or only the one with the list 
of hyperlinks?  Have you tried to create a new spreadsheet and copy the unformatted text over?

The file with the column of web links that was the subject of my initial readability issues was a 
new Calc file that I made myself by copy and paste from the original file which I had made using a 
text editor. My list of useful links was getting rather large so I decided it would be more useful 
in the longer run to convert it to a spreadsheet with clickable links.

However, I've just had a quick look back at some 8 other spreadsheets which I've made over the past 
7-10 years and they all have the same limited set of cell styles. Some of these spreadsheets are in 
almost daily use.

And I've also just tried making a couple of new blank spreadsheets and they also come with exactly 
the same limited set of cell styles on my Ubuntu box. On the Windows 10 box, they show an available 
'All' list of 18 cell styles.

I've been using whatever version of LO came with UbuntuStudio distros for years. Current version 
info is :

Version:  Build ID: 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 4.15; UI render: default; VCL: gtk2;
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); Calc: group

But as I said in a previous post, I have now improved the readability by using a light gray custom 
background in the cell so the underlying problem is of purely academic interest now.


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