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On Tue, 2019-07-23 at 19:03 +0200, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 23/07/2019 à 18:37, Harvey Nimmo a écrit :

Hi Harvey,

A bit disappointing though. Is there no possibility for storing
kinds of SQL statements, so that they could be used again?
I have a few in mind, and it seems a bit primitive to have to
create a
clipboard type of text file for that kind of thing.

As yet, and as Robert has indicated, nothing in the Base UI allows
to save UPDATE queries and run them from the SQL Query UI. It has
unfortunately always been this way, since StarOffice (so that's a
long time for a seemingly critically missing piece of functionality).

No one has undertaken to add the required functionality to the UI, or
internal LO parser (which would allow for graphical UI manipulation
update statements).

The only remaining possibility then is via macro, which can be stored
the ODB file, and triggered for example, via a button press on a
or a form reload, or some other action that can be used as the event


Hallo Alex,

yes, thanks for that suggestion. I was 'kinda feared' you might suggest
that. I think I would need some very solid documentation to go that
way. What flummexes me most there is the multitude of methods available
that house the relatively modest functions I need. 

I remember using VBA from my days with MSAccess, but our LO/Linux world
has such an 'embarrassment of riches' I don't quite know where to
start. You could say I'm a bit intimidated by the idea. Any suggestions
where I might start?


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