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At 19:09 26/03/2018 +0200, John Herron wrote:
I wrote a document based on a specific template. As I did so, I added four new styles to the document. Is there a way to automagically incorporate these new styles into the specific template, such that when I create a new document based on it, the new styles will be included in it?

o Open the document.
o Delete all its text (or as much of it as appropriate).
o Save the denuded document (but still containing its styles) as a template - presumably over the existing one.

Alternatively, you can import styles from one document to another - in this case from your existing document to a new document intended to become your template - using the Load Styles facility, accessible from the drop-down menu from the New Style from Selection button in the Styles and Formatting window.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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