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I never really got my head around outline numbering in Writer and always seemed to muck it up. I've finally done myself a howto reminder and wondered if any flaw can be seen in some enhancements I was going to put on bugzilla.

Outline numbering works with styled paragraphs. The position of the numbering is controlled in outline numbering. 2 simple suggestions for an enhancement to avoid making changes in the wrong place are;

assuming menus are context aware, when you right click in an outline numbered paragraph
-Make Paragraph.... Paragraph Style... and open the style for editing.
-Make Bullets and Numbering..... Chapter Numbering.... and open Tools>Chapter Numbering....

Interestingly, if I right click on the number of the outline numbered paragraph and select Character, modifying the character attributes modifies the character style for the number, as I feel would be good for the 2 items above.

Cheers, steve

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