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I work with large spreadsheets and have used both Excel and Calc in the past. I have a large file with 10 or so sheets, many of which are large and one has just over 35,000 records. In this sheet there is a field that is boolean (0 or -1). When I filter on this field in Excel it takes several minutes to complete. When filtering in Calc it takes 10-15 minutes or more. I'm using Excel on an older and slower i5 windows 7 machine and Libreoffice on a newer i5 (8th gen) with windows 10. I may try to switch machines to see what happens, but I'm pretty busy and taking the time to do that is tricky. Also, I've tried using Excel 360 (trial) on the newer windows 10 machine and it loads 30 seconds or so faster than the older machine running excel, much faster than Libreoffice.

What might cause this slow filtering? I'd love to use Calc exclusively, but occasional problems like this keep scaring me away from fully embracing Libreoffice.

Thanks for any insights or ideas about how to speed it up.

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