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Hi :)
This sort of thing might be better as a database.

The advantage being that you wouldn't need a new page for each month = you
just keep entering data in the same place.  The page(s) for a 'month' would
be a "Query".  You could have extra queries to cover different or/and
changeable time-frames or/and to cover different aspects (such as only
outgoings).  Each query adds almost nothing to file-size.

The disadvantage is it's a pain to set-up your first database and it can be
a steep learning-curve.  Your existing spreadsheets might well be able to
be used as the central data source or you could save tabs in csv format to
be added to your data - but this doesn't mitigate the pain of creating a
database in the first place.  If you are familiar with databases then it'd
be easy to set-up but then you'd probably be doing that already - although
sometimes it's quicker and easier to just quickly make something as a
spreadsheet to flesh-out the sort of design you want.

There are dedicated programs designed specifically to track finances.  For
something for the sort of scale you're hinting at GnuCash might be good
(very scaleable and multi-platform (originally for Gnu&Linux)).  If you
prefer a proprietary system that only works on Windoze then Sage Instant
(£50-£100) is prolly more than you need but people will keep trying to push
you into buying Sage Line 50 which is closer to a grand.

Regards from
a Tom :)

On 28 Jan 2018 16:04, "Luuk" <> wrote:

On 28-01-18 16:30, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2018-01-28 15:45 GMT+01:00 Luuk <

    You can write a FUNCTION to get next month

    Function FirstOfNextMonth(dDate as Date) as Date
        if Month(dDate)>=12 then
            FirstOfNextMonth = DateSerial(Year(dDate)+1, 1, 1)
            FirstOfNextMonth = DateSerial(Year(dDate), Month(dDate)+1, 1)
        end if
    End Function

    When you use = FirstOfNextMonth(Now()) is will return 01-02-2018  (if
    your date-format = DD-MM-YYYY)

Just note that your function always returns the first day of the
calculated month. I'm not sure the OP wants that, but maybe I'm wrong.

It's named 'FirstOfNextMonth()'with a reason! ;)
Also note that this 'example' function can be adapted to return another
date (whatever the OP wants).

To return 'NextMonth()' next question should be solved:
What is next month, if current date is 31 januari?
a) 28 februari, of 29 februari, depending on the year being a leap year
or not
b) 3 march 2018, (31 days after 31 januari)
c) something else.....

The same question for 31 march, and other months which have a NextMonth
with less days than the current month.

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