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Thank you Brain, I could do it now well and got the same result : 9126


Jorge Rodríguez

El 30/08/2017 a las 11:05, Brian Barker escribió:
At 10:18 30/08/2017 -0600, Jorge Rodríguez wrote:
As I said to Regina, thank you very much for your explanation.

No probs!

I could reproduce the graph as you instructed to me. I found both graph clear and making what I need.


Yes, I need the graph and the coordinates of the interception both lines too. I follow your equation to find U, and I reproduced it well with the same result. But I tried to do the same with A coordinate interception: 14000 * ( 1 - U / 1.31 ) and I got : 5813 not 9126. As you said, 9126 is the correct point where intercept but I couldn't get in my calculation. Would you please, tell me what would I do wrong ?

You seem to have calculated 14000 * ( 1 - U ) / 1.31 instead of 14000 * ( 1 - U / 1.31 ) - which means 14000 * ( 1 - ( U / 1.31 ) ), of course.

Brian Barker

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