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Dwain Alford wrote:


i had this same problem with open office. i don't understand. i set style prefs and added some 
ones. there is a problem with the new one i call block 0.5. i also created a new default 
i set line spacing to single and no bottom paragraph spacing. seems this is where the problem

the new default document:

i type a line. press enter/return twice and the cursor stays under the line until i press enter/
return again. then the problem goes away, until later in the document or not again. hit or miss.

the block 0.5 settings are based on the text body indent settings. the before and after text is
set at 0.5. i highlight all of the text to be blocked and double click the style setting. the
second and third paragraphs change, and the first one does not change.

i have attached a test document to see if anyone else gets the same result. i typed a two line
paragraph and the same press three times to force a paragraph is still a problem. i have
duplicated this on the windows os as well. i can't remember if i had the same problem when i was
using linux or not.

sure would like to resolve this problem.

x[DELETED ATTACHMENT force paragraph test.odt, Open Doc]

I set the reply to the libreoffice users list, as the developers list wasn't the proper one.

I looked inside your document, and it appears that the first paragraph is inside a list, with the 
paragraph as its only list item. And it is a list with no bullet and no number. I have no idea how 
you got this. But that's why it behaves differently. 

So I clicked in that paragraph, and then clicked on the "Toggle Bulleted List" Icon. Then a bullet 
appears, which you obviously don't want. So click on this icon again to remove the bullet. After 
this the paragraph behaves normally.

By the way, I didn't see any "block 0.5" style in the document. All the paragraphs had "Default 
Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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