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This whole discussion about Calc's default font has got me thinking. I 
am one who appreciates LO's templates/style approach and I have learned 
how to use it. Once learned, templates and styles are easy to use and 
make the finished result polished and consistent. Yet, I will admit, it 
has taken me a lot of time and effort to learn templates and styles, and 
I have learned that this is time and effort that most users aren't 
willing to expend.

When I consider changing Calc's default, the template method is 
efficient and took me about a minute. But, I believe someone else found 
a way to change it by editing some settings in the Advanced options 
settings. This, of course is unadvised and I understand why. But, for me 
it raises a question.

Since the advanced settings are just text strings in a file, which can 
be easily edited, couldn't there be a GUI method of editing them? The 
example of Firefox's "about.config" file was mentioned. Some of the 
settings in that file can be edited through the graphical Preferences 
dialogs. Other settings require direct editing of the about.config file. 
I have to believe that part of LO's GUI Options dialogs could be to make 
changes to some of these deeper level settings, such as Ian's default 
Calc font.


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