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Let me echo Jomali's advice about formatting after typing. I would go 
one step further and highly recommend learning how to use paragraph 
styles. I confess it can take time to learn, which we typically don't 
have when we're just trying to get a job done before a deadline. In that 
case, it's too easy to revert to older familiar methods, in which case 
we never learn better, more efficient ways to get the job done.

Even if you don't use styles, one thing you can do right away is stop 
using carriage returns to add space between paragraphs. Instead, go into 
"Format" "Paragraph" and then click on "Indents & Spacing". In that 
dialog box, you can add spacing before or after a paragraph so that you 
don't have a bunch of empty paragraph carriage returns.

Yes, it takes longer. Yes, it can mess you up when you *don't* want 
extra space between paragraphs (which is why I recommend learning 
paragraph styles). But, it can solve a whole host of other problems.

As to your particular document, I'm wondering if it originated in 
LibreOffice or was imported from Word or another word processor. I can 
imagine strange things happening with a document coming from another 
word processor.

Another thought is that there may be some paragraph style based 
formatting mixed in with your direct typewriter based formatting. 
Sometimes, paragraph styles automatically call a different style upon 
pressing "enter". For example, you might want your Title paragraph style 
to automatically be followed by a Subtitle paragraph style, so that, 
when you press "enter" at the end of the Title, your font and other 
formatting will automatically change to that provided by "Subtitle".

As a test, you might see what happens in the Style list in the 
Formatting Toolbar as you press "enter". If it changes names, then you 
have a style issue going on. Also, place the cursor in each paragraph 
and see if the style name changes from paragraph to paragraph. If it 
does, then you may have some unwanted paragraph styles in the document.


On 11/17/2016 11:04 AM, James Wilde wrote:
Thanks, Jomali.

I must admit I was more interested in investigating the document in question
than in trying to reproduce the problem.  My mistake.

It's good to know you couldn't reproduce it.  I think I'm just going to say
that this is a one-off, and I don't know how it happened.  There were so
many funny things about this document, not least that it existed about a
page and a half past the end of the document.  I'll rephrase that!  About a
page and a half past the last text.  And this part of the document clearly
had a variety of settings, as the values when I called up format paragraph
were all empty, which usually happens when you have different fonts,
different varieties of the font (regular, bold, etc) and different sizes.

But again, thanks a lot for trying.

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