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On 10/31/16 1:53 PM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 10/31/2016 01:08 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
Hi, Robert,

On 10/30/16 12:33 PM, Robert Großkopf wrote:


For every installation on linux you could
- - install as root/SuperUser
- - install as user in your own directory

Install as root/SuperUser:
1. Upack the files you downloaded (program, help, language)
2. Create a directory which you could call as you want (local_sources)
3. Move the *.deb-packages (or *.rpm-packages) to this directory
4. Use your install-program and add the directory as a local source
for your installer.
5. Now you could choose the directory with your installer and could
install all packages from there.

I did OK until step 4, and then my lack of basic Linux knowledge
reared it's ugly head.  ROFL

In Mint 17.3, under Administration I see Software Manager, Software
Sources, and Synaptic Package Manager.  But in none of those do I
recognize anything that lets me point to folder I created.  I.E. a
point and click method.  Is one of these the "install-program" you are
referring to?

Would the folder I created now be called a repository?  If so, do I
input the complete path?  Which means I need to learn how Linux
structures pathnames.

Where can a find a truly beginner's guide for this type of
information? I've noticed over the years that many "beginners"
articles are not truly beginners articles at all, the articles already
assume some basic level of knowledge.  Knowledge that does not always
exist.  :-(

I do not get what is being said in 4 and 5 as well.

What I do is unpack the install files [I use .deb files] and place them
all in a temporary folder I call "lib".  Nice and simple, I have that
folder in the "home" folder called "timothy".

This will give me "/home/timothy/lib" while using the file manager
package [on Mint] called "Caja".

Then I use the "Mate Terminal" [default command line for the MATE
desktop GUI]

This is my starting point for this laptop - yours will look different
since you will not have the same laptop and user name. This is the
default user folder for my laptop.


I type in "cd lib"

     timothy@Gateway-NE56R12u:~$ cd lib

I get this folder shown


At this point I use this command to install all of the .deb files from
that folder. I tend to place both the language and help .deb files - if
needed - in a different folder like lib2.

     sudo dpkg -i *.deb

This will prompt me to five my superuser password.  Then it will start a
"long" install process for all of the .deb files in the folder. The RPM
system would have some different names for the commands I use for the
DEB based Linux OS [ I use Ubuntu with Mate desktop]

So, if you have a folder off your home folder [or directory] with the
name of "lib" [home/timothy/lib], the command line is a very easy route.

     cd lib

     sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Hot diggety doo dah!!!!! It worked! Now I won't have to go to the Linux Mint forums.

Thanks, Tim.

Mac OS X 10.11.6
Firefox 49.0.1
Thunderbird 45.3.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
     and it's gone!"

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