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On 10/25/2016 08:43 AM, Jonathan Allen wrote:
Dear List,

I'm struggling with using mixed English and Hebrew text in LO.  This is
a fully up-to-date LO in a new installation of Linux Mint.

When I type English text, the letters come out in the right order, but the
punctuation goes at the beginning of the line, until the next letter is typed
which is strange but sort-of-OK in mid-sentence but no good at end of the

Attempting to combine Hebrew and English text in the same sentence, as it
were to say 'shalom' in flight, assembles the language blocks the wrong
way round.  Using Alt-Ctrl-8 and Alt-Ctrl-9 doesn't seem to fix this and
the Shift-Ctrl-D and Alt-Shift combinations are also dysfunctional.  The
font-name (selected as SBL Hebrew) switches once characters are typed to
DejaVu Sans.

This is probably all very familiar to someone (if not all), so anyone
help me to get this working correctly, please?


I have never been able to get RTL and LTR languages to mix in the same
sentence properly with any application in Windows or Linux when you
start adding punctuation. In LO you can set the language for a paragraph
and, if I remember correctly, that fixes the punctuation placement
problem. I am sorry for not being certain as it has been a few years
since I wrote any significant quantity of Hebrew.

I have never had any problems with the order of actual words between the
two languages.

In English, I say hello, in Hebrew I say שלום.

שלום, Jonathan.

I am not sure what mailer you are using or how it will render, but LO
and Thunderbird in Linux render the above the same. Period may be
considered out of order in the first. The comma in the second definitely
is. This is with leaving the language at default (en_US-UTF-8 for
myself). Try selecting your paragraphs and changing the language to
Hebrew and see if that helps any.

I cannot comment on the keyboard shortcuts you mentioned as I don't know
what they are supposed to do or where they do work.


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