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sorry for the late response, I didn't get the email. No, I wouldn't like to
draw a electrical schematic for creating a pcb like KiCad, Eagle .... I
would like to draw pictures for my bachelor thesis. In draw it's easier to
draw arrows, change color of paths and some other nice things.
It would be great, when there is a possibility to draw complex symbols in
draw but without the automatically set glue points on the border of the
quadratic outline of the group, because with them it connects everytime to
the wrong points when I set glue points in the group.

Best regard


On Thu, 9/29/16, Girvin Herr <> wrote:

Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Drawing electrical symbols (images on
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2016, 1:22 PM

On 09/29/2016 10:34 AM,
Martin Marmsoler wrote:

I'm trying to
draw a schematic with electrical symbols. First I draw
symbol and then I placed the glue
points and then I created a group of the
hole symbol. I created a new theme in the
gallery and moved the symbol in
(pic1, 1.). But when I try to use the symbol and drag them
out of the
gallery the glue points
don't exist anymore (pic1, 2.). I can make just a
connection to the points of the border (Is
there a possibility to delete
points?). Is there a possibility to save the glue points
I took some symbols like the
inductor out of the "freie-schaltzeichen"
library and there the preview of the
symbols looks much better(pic2, left)

then my one (pic2,right) when I drag my symbols into a new
library. How can
I get the same quality
of symbol previews?
Here you can find
the images:

Best regards



This sounds like using the
wrong tool.  Have you looked at gEDA:

What you want is gschem, the
schematic capture application.  I use it
all the time for drawing schematics, and it
includes a symbol library,
however, your
own symbols are easily created and used.  You don't say

what your OS is, but there is a windows
version of gEDA available.



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