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Thank you Brian, Bruce and Erik for your excellent advice on how to fix
line spacing, and I don't know how in a billion kazillion years that I
could ever possibly thank you!

         So this horse walks into a bar and the bartender says -- "Hey,
          why the long face?"

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Erik Jan <> wrote:

Bruce Hohl schreef op 06-08-16 om 20:39:

Go to "View > Non-Printer Characters".  This will show the paragraph
breaks, etc.
Position the cursor within a paragraph or select (highlight) desired
Open "Format > Paragraph" and go to the "Indents & Spacing Tab".
You can view and change spacing setting here.

On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Richard Foulk <>

I’m using LibreOffice Writer to write a novel and the line-spacing is all
messed up. Single, 1.5, double-spacing all on the same page.

I’ve tried Format-spacing, Windows-paragraph and everything else -- but
nothing works.

Can you please help me?

 Thank you

What I do, is the following:

When I have imported a file from MSOffice and get problems like you are
describing, I copy (Ctrl-C) the problematic paragraph, delete the
problematic paragraph, make a new one with the desired paragraph style en
paste the text with Ctrl-Shif-Alt-V. This way of pasting deletes all
formatting from the text and accepts the style of the chosen paragraph.
Later I delete al superfluous Windows styles that encumber the document.

I hope this helps; good luck.


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