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Some the search/replace that you are attempting to do can be performed
easily with the AltSearch extension (
extension-center/alternative-dialog-find-replace-for-writer) in Writer.
You can then create a table with this data, and once you have a table
made with your data in Writer, you can cut/paste directly into Calc.
I hope this helps.
Rémy Gauthier.
Le dimanche 07 août 2016 à 00:26 +0200, Felipe T. Dorado a écrit :

I'm trying to get a list of items with subfields on a nice table to
in LO database.    
For instance, the output of the listing of the command

      > # iwlist wlan0 scan > nearby_wifi_nodes

which is a list of the wifi nodes near my router.

I have tried opening the raw text file in LO writer:

      > try1:>        > converting the list to a table separating text
with Tab
      > -->>  > each line goes to the first cell of a table with 1

      > try2: "Paste Special" the text onto a spreadsheet in calc with
      > options "transpose" and "skip empty cells" marked
      > -->>  >  I get all the text separated in cells but on only 1

I have tried leaving the text as what I believe is a CSV format by
line feeds and replacing them with comas but I have not succeeded
since I'm
not able to find the correct code for line feeds in LO writer's
"Find&Replace" dialog. I tried "^p", copied from the end of a line to
beginning of the next and some other ways. No luck.
I managed to do it with the editor  gedit  in Gnome: copied the end
of a
line to the next, opted for the Replace function and placed a coma
It worked!
I then proceeded to eliminate the tabs/blank spaces with the same
and I just had to look for ",Cell ", erase the coma and replace it
with a
line feed before each appearance. I saved the file with extension

I then copied the text in this cvs file and pasted it in a new calc
spreadsheet. Viola! I had the file in a nice table. Save for the
that I have to rearrange so I have the headers/fields correct to pass
onto a table in the database.
That is, I got a table like this:

Cell 01 - Address: 00:16:B6:39:7C:10 Channel:6 Frequency:2.437 GHz
(Channel 6)
Cell 02 - Address: 54:67:51:22:F4:13 Channel:1 Frequency:2.412 GHz
(Channel 1)
Cell 03 - Address: 4C:09:D4:9D:E5:78 Channel:1 Frequency:2.412 GHz
(Channel 1)
Cell 04 - Address: 94:4A:0C:BC:18:71 Channel:4 Frequency:2.427 GHz
(Channel 4)
and so on. With a lot more columns of course.

- How does one replace linefeeds with whatever?
- Is there a way to do this within LO without having to use an
  editor to get rid of the linefeeds?
- Is there a simpler way to do what i pretend?

Thank you.

Felipe  : )

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