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On 01/08/2016 02:26, Ken Springer wrote:

There's only one icon style listed.  

One huge issue with icon themes, is that LibO relies on them having
specific attributes to convey specific information to the user.
Virtually all pre-LibO 4.x icon themes do not have the required attributes.

Are there any other available for download?

I found a couple of sets in the Ubuntu repository.
There are other sets of DeviantArt.
In both instances, I'll make no warranties about their conformance to
LibO 5.x icon requirements.

At both and, there are icon
themes that won't install.

If so, how do you install them?

Note: You'll need administrator/root privileges to do this.

Go to the LibreOffice program folder
* Windows: usually: C:\Program Files\LibreOffice;
* Linux: Either /usr/share/libreoffice/share/config/ or
Move the ZIP file into this folder.
Open LibreOffice
">Tools >Options >View >User Interface"
At the drop down menu "Icon Style", select the appropriate icon theme.

FWIW, options on my setup are:
* Breeze;
* Tango;
* Galaxy;
* Oxygen;
* High Contrast;
* Sifr;

I didn't do any customization with the version of LibO I'm currently using.


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