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On 27/07/16 15:13, Brian Barker wrote:
At 07:23 27/07/2016 -0400, William Drescher wrote:
I have version Version:
In writer I can insert a field that shows the current date whenever
the document is opened. I can't figure out how to do that in a
spreadsheet. Help please.

As has already been noted, you can add date and time to the header or
footer at Format | Page... | Header (or Footer) | Edit... .

If you want to put the date into a cell, use the formula
- which returns the current date. You can format the cell to display the
date in your chosen format, of course.

 returns the current date and time.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

You can also double-click to edit the cell, then R-click on it and select 'Insert Fields...', which offers a small submenu of Date, Sheet Name, and Title. Not that I've found a way of then specifying the date format :-{

Is there any (good) reason Calc doesn't have the same "Insert|Field" menu as Writer? I do dislike inconsistencies like this.

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England
"The only way is Brexit" -- anon.

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