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This is more specific.

I assume you have text delimited by double quotes.

On 4/11/2016 11:35 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Are you using linux?

On 4/11/2016 6:30 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 11.04.2016 um 06:26 schrieb Philip Rhoades:

I need to import a CSV dump from an Android SMS Sqlite DB - the problem
is, many of the SMSs have line breaks in the text body of the DB record
and this messes up the import into Calc.  There does not seem to be any
way of saying to Calc: "Count x fields for each record" instead of
recognising a record by a LF . .

Can anyone think of a nice, easy fix for this problem?


You should be able to connect a Base document to the SQLite DB. Then
your spreadsheet can access the database directly.

CSV is not a file format. It is mere convention. If you have multi-line
filds, you've got to export with text delimiters (in most cases quotes).
Everything between a pair of text delimiters can be treated as one text

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