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2016-04-04 13:00 GMT+02:00 Tanstaafl <>:

image formats that cannot contain a hidden payload

​If we're talking about security issue, I'm not aware of any image format
that is absolutely 100% certain to not be able to contain any hidden code
;) as long as it gets decoded, there's a (limited) risk.

But I believe this is not only a security issue; attachments takes space,
and letting them through a mailing list would multiply the bandwidth
requirement by as many subscribers the list have, while hosting the images
somewhere and putting links to them will limit the bandwidth usage to only
people actually looking for them, along with not cluttering limited
mailboxes (yes, they still exist).

If required, there are a lot of hosting sites that can be used for images,
and for convenience the nabble interface will actually do that for you I

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