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I have a problem with a old book text file. There are 3 or more lines between paragraphs. I want to reduce them down to only one.

When I turned the option to view non-printed characters, I get the "PI-ish" looking symbol - ΒΆ - that is at the end of every paragraph. Each extra line has that symbol as its first character. The character listed in the last line of this text looks like the non-printing character, but must be different from it, since it gives a "no match found" error when using it.

So, is there a way to use that end of paragraph symbol/character to look for three in a row and replace it with only two? Since some of the paragraphs have more than 3 extra lines between paragraphs, I could run that find/replace several times. All I want to show is the symbol at the end of the paragraph and the one between paragraphs. Since there are at least 300 pages to the book - in text format - it would not be practicable to do this manually.

Actually, I am trying to fix a bad .epub book. I found that if I convert it to a text file and the convert it back to an e-book format, most of the formatting issues go away when viewing it with my tablet's .epub readers [Nook and Pocketbook].

So has anyone tried to do something like this, removing blank paragraphs, i.e. blank lines between paragraphs, as an automatic find/replace option?

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