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nasrin khaksar wrote:
hi every one.
thanks so much for spending time and helping me to use libreoffice properly.
is there a solution for libreoffice to recognize the unicode incoding
and open them properly like utf-8 documents?
because open office has unicode utf-7 and utf-8 and libreoffice has
utf-7, utf-8 and utf-16.
whats the difference between unicode and unicode utf-8?
thanks and god bless you all.

Unicode is a standard for representing text in a form which can be used by computers (i.e. a series of numbers). It basically assigns a number to each of thousands of characters used in different languages. It also defines several encodings which can be used to represent those numbers in memory or on disk; UTF-8 and UTF-16 are probably the most common. When dealing with plain text files, you need to know which encoding is used, not just that it's "Unicode", in order to read it correctly.

There's a lot more detail, e.g. here:


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