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Aha - you nailed it on the head.  The person who built the document used
an internal file:// refernce, nd the inaccurate message popped up. When
I added a second link with the correct web URL it worked fine (though
strangely enough I could find no menu choice to allow editing the URL
that was previously there!)

On 3/10/16 12:08 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 03/10/2016 01:28 AM, Marc Grober wrote:
Clicking on a live link in a LO 5.1 Presentation results in the
following error message:

"LibreOffice could not find a web browser on your system. Please check
your Desktop Preferences or install a web browser (for example, Firefox)
in the default location requested during the browser installation."

In fact Firefox is set as default and doing a command click on a link
from Writer works fine.

From looking at the code (shell/source/unix/exec/shellexec.cxx,
sfx2/source/appl/openuriexternally.cxx) that error message can
misleadingly be presented also when a browser /is/ found, but
something else goes wrong when trying to open the hyperlink with the

Marc, what is the hyerlink's exact URL?  (In Impress, select the
hyperlink---which is easier to do with the keyboard than with the
mouse---, select "Insert > Hyperlink," and from the dialog that pops
open copy the content of the "Target" field.  Alternatively, you can
mail me the presentation file, and I'll have a look.)

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