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On 03/03/16 14:47, Robert Funnell wrote:
​As can be seen here, using Linux Mint and the Swedish language as an
example, there's no problem selecting earlier versions of *LO* to
(scroll to the bottom of the page to select the desired version) : ​


I don't know how to install an old version using Synaptic and the
standard package-management system, which Mike referred to, but it is
possible to install software directly, as Henri describes.

Yes, I've seen that, thanks (I replied to Regina to this effect, but that seems to have been delayed). A potential issue is that synaptic has LO split across a lot of packages, and there seems some risk of conflicts.... but if no-one has seen my (original) problem I'll have to go the manual downgrade route.

BTW, Synaptic seems to have its own problems: the 5.1.1 version I had from the LO PPA was flagged as "broken" (which I see a lot, not just for LO, and means upgrading will be a problem until I've fiddled with apt directly). Sometimes synaptic offers a downgrade option - but not for the LO PPA: I had to disable that PPA, revert to ubuntu's own (4.x), completely deinstall LO, then reinstall to downgrade. Very messy, but not an LO issue!

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England

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