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On 02/23/2016 03:18 PM, Shawn Cao wrote:
Because each testing will open and close LibreOffice, I am not sure
how to attach WinDbg with those evanescent processes. Fortunately,
Windows will generate dump file for each LibreOffice crash. I open
dump file with WinDbg and please refer to attachment for the trace
result. I tested and will test latest Dev version soon.

00e7f2e8 76c23fc8 kernelbase!RaiseException+0x48
00e7f348 6a0f9339 msvcr120!_CxxThrowException+0x5b
00e7f388 659c020c ucbhelper!com::sun::star::ucb::UniversalContentBroker::create+0x16c
00e7f3ec 659b9d36 ucbhelper!ucbhelper::Content::Content+0x46
00e7f424 6766a40f mergedlo!`anonymous namespace'::content+0x6f
00e7f45c 67669ec3 mergedlo!utl::UCBContentHelper::Kill+0x73
00e7f4c8 66b0ab84 mergedlo!desktop::Desktop::RemoveTemporaryDirectory+0x14
00e7f4d0 66b0780d mergedlo!desktop::Desktop::doShutdown+0x21d
00e7f520 66b025fc mergedlo!desktop::Desktop::Main+0xe3c
00e7f69c 67a05886 mergedlo!ImplSVMain+0x46
00e7f6c4 67a05c39 mergedlo!SVMain+0x29
00e7f6d0 66b1c599 mergedlo!soffice_main+0x79
00e7f740 0018101e soffice+0x101e
00e7f794 768b3744 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x24
00e7f7a8 771b9e54 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f
00e7f7f0 771b9e1f ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

Hm, that's rather odd.

For one, this crash is during "clean" termination of the soffice.bin process, i.e., at a time when your external code should no longer communicate with the soffice.bin process anyway. (Or is your external code designed in a way that it might call while some printing activity is still in progress?)

For another, I see no way how com::sun::star::ucb::UniversalContentBroker::create could throw an exception there during shutdown. It should already have been called during initialization, from Desktop::Main -> Desktop::RegisterServices -> configureUcb, and if that had already failed with an exception, that would have caused a call to FatalError, which immediately terminates the process via _exit.

Are you sure that that crash dump correlates to a "Binary URP bridge disposed during call" exception in your client, or could it be from a "harmless" crash of an soffice.bin instance after your client code had already disconnected (so might normally go rather unnoticed, except for leaving behind a crash dump)?

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